The origin of life? We don't know... yet. We may never now
Morality? That's an easy one. Humans created it because it was a good set of rules to make cooperation within the group run smoothly. The morality we find in the Bible came from the neighbors of the Israelites, not an invisible entity in the sky, and today we only preserve very little of it. Christians can't bring themselves to follow all the horrible moral rules found in Deuteronomy and Leviticus, just to mention the main ones.
The biggest problem I have with Christians is their arrogance: If humans don't know something, or it's a bit controversial, therefore God exist, God is good, God saves...oh I almost forgot... It's THE GOD OF THE BIBLE. The others are not real.
Up until 5 years ago I used to be indifferent to religious zealots. Today, after lots of research on the Bible, Judaism and Christianity, I find Christians quite annoying. Their arrogance, supported by ignorance and credulity, is the main problem